
Health coach

Mindtemps kunder får, förutom förebyggande stresshantering, stöd för kontinuerligt förbättringsarbete, vilket leder till ökad kvalitet och hållbarhet.

What is sustainable health?

Increased well-being
Better relationships
Better productivity

Contact us for more information on stress and its impact. It’s completely free!

Do you want

to live life to the fullest?

Download Mindtemp and discover how 15 seconds every day contribute to improved health through self-reflection that provides analysis and feedback.

1. Reflection

5-15 seconds of self-reflection for increased self-awareness and self-leadership.

2. Analysis

Advanced analysis with simple visualizations.

3. Feedback

Feedback to choose sustainable health.

Mindtemps kunder får, förutom förebyggande stresshantering, stöd för kontinuerligt förbättringsarbete, vilket leder till ökad kvalitet och hållbarhet.


The eight

health aspects

Mindtemp works with:

“The scientific questions that Mindtemp works on require advanced analysis. The goal is that these analyses, in the end, will help people maintain their well-being.”

Professor at Chalmers University and the University of Gothenburg AI-development & Statistic and IT-advisory

“My research at Karolinska Institutet focuses on how our health is influenced by our lifestyle habits and how we can create the best conditions for good lifestyle habits using digital solutions. We need to find new and modern strategies for preventive health work. Therefore, it is particularly exciting to scientifically evaluate the tool that Mindtemp has developed with the aim of helping people maintain their well-being.”

Assistant Professor & Postdoc Karolinska Institutet Research Manager

“Mindtemp has the potential to become a tool that can prevent suffering for a large number of people. Therefore, it is an honor to be involved in developing the product together with others who are also passionate about reducing suffering and increasing well-being in society.”

Postdoc, Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg Psychometric & AI-development

Getting a comprehensive overview of your health balance has never been easier.

Download the app

Contact us for more information about stress and its impact. It’s completely free!

Are you stressed?

Bring health
to your workplace
or organization .

Mindtemp is a digital health coach, an app that you always have with you on your mobile. Mintemp contributes to better health, psychological security and increased efficiency.Accordio

Download the app Mindtemp and activate the dialogue with your digital health coach. Get access to your and your employees’ health balance and support for the right priorities.Accordion: Inside

As a private person, you pay SEK 55 per month and as a company, we provide two different package solutions, which you can read more about here.

Mindtemp is a new digital support – a research-based health coach that helps you with analysis, feedback, support and inspiration for better health.