
Your company is invited to Mindtemp!

Do you need a tool to analyze and improve the health of the staff at your company? Now you can try the unique health app Mindtemp free of charge. By letting the staff participate in our four-week April study with the app, you both get to continue using it for free for a year, while doing me as a student and health research a great service.

In Mindtemp, you can answer health questions in various areas such as sleep, physical activity and emotional ability every other day. Based on the answers, the user receives tips on how he can improve his health.

You at the management level will in turn be able to follow the health development at the group level and thus get help to identify problems and work proactively to create better well-being for the group.

We wish you a warm welcome! The only thing you need to do is respond to the invitation and we will send an email invitation that you can in turn forward to the staff. The staff can download the app on the desired phone.

You can read more about the study and the health app below.

By submitting the form, you accept our privacy policy.

What is Mind Temp

Mindtemp is a health app that gives you self-insight about your health. By answering questions every other day, you can follow your health over time and get tips on how to improve it. You can also get help to train a habit, e.g. going for daily walks or taking rest breaks. What is unique about the app is that it looks at several different health aspects such as sleep and rest, well-being, physical activity, motivation and emotional ability. The health questions asked are based on validated rating scales found in the literature.

If you work in a company, managers and management will be able to follow the health development at the group level without seeing data from any single individual. The statistics help them identify problems and work proactively to create a better well-being for you as staff.

You can read more about the app here.

Contribute to important health research

In April, we will perform a study comparing two different versions of the app. There you will be able to use the app for four months and then evaluate your experience in a short survey. Anonymous data about your usage frequency and progression will also be analyzed. The goal of the study is to see what can engage you as a user to continue following up on your health in the app. You can choose to end your participation in the study at any time.

What you get back

By participating, you get to test an exciting health app that will hopefully give you more self-awareness about your health and advice on how to improve it. You can also feel proud to contribute to important research around commitment to health.


We comply with GDPR and only you can see your own information, read more here. We only use aggregated and de-identified data for statistical analysis and you can terminate at any time and ask us to delete all your data.

Mind your health

Erik Nästesjö Todd

Student at BTH University of Technology
0735- 71 18 06

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Enter your email below if you want to stay updated in analytical HR, positive psychology or biohacking for a smarter and sustainable health and organization. We do not spam or share data with third parties. By entering your name, you agree to Mindtemp’s general terms and conditions.

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