

Mindtemps engagement boost quickly enhances the foundations for increased and sustainable engagement within an organization.

Brief about Mindtemps
engagement boost:

8 weeks with Mindtemps' digital solution for increased self-leadership and engagement.
4 digital lectures to boost sustainable and increased engagement.
2 sessions where we utilize data-driven analysis to understand the cause and effect of engagement.

Mindtemps engagement boost explained

Our approach:

We cover what engagement is and how it interacts with Mindtemps' 12 other categories, as well as how we utilize Mindtemps' digital solution for self-leadership and sustainable engagement.

Engagement requires physical and mental well-being, where sleep is fundamental. We focus on sleep and the brain for 30 minutes.

Mental energy is a prerequisite for endurance and avoiding harmful stress. We go through Mindtemps' studies and research on how to create and maintain mental energy for sustainable engagement.

After four weeks, we present the initial analysis of Mindtemps' 13 different categories for sustainable and effective teams. With this, we can start making data-driven decisions for continuous work on sustainable engagement and organizational development.

Google and others have shown that psychological safety is crucial for the organization and all employees' engagement, creativity, and quality. Therefore, we offer a 30-minute overview of how psychological safety and engagement are interconnected.

After 8 weeks, we conduct a concluding analysis that covers the development and current state during the period. We assess how engagement is affected by the 12 other categories we have worked on. Mindtemp provides suggestions for further development based on the analysis.

Boost engagement in your organization now!

Engagement is created by health* and psychological safety**:

Increases employees' engagement, self-leadership, and quality.

Increases organizational efficiency and profitability.

*We work based on Agenda 2030.
**Google’s research shows that psychological safety is the single most important factor for effective teams. Psychological safety is built by employees who are doing well.

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