Stress huvudbild


What is


A common sign of bad health is stress. Stress is a natural, physical, and mental reaction that has helped humans survive when they needed extra strength and focus, such as when being chased by a predator. Physiologically, stress can be observed through increased blood pumping, especially to the arms, legs, and brain; digestion inhibition; emptying of the bladder and bowel; and changes in mood.

In the modern society, a stress reaction is triggered when one feels the need to perform, for example, when taking an exam or facing a deadline. Therefore, small amounts of stress are good occasionally. Too little stress leads to boredom, while too much stress over an extended period without recovery impairs our performance and risks causing burnout.

The HPA Axis

Here are powerful simplifications of a very complex system in the body. The various hormones release a variety of other hormones and mechanisms. If you want to learn more, we can warmly recommend “Why Zebras Don’t Get Stomach Ulcers” by Robert Sapolsky.

The stress axis or HPA axis

Through a stimulus, the hypothalamus reacts and releases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CHR) and vasopressin, which are received by the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland reacts and releases adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which reaches the adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla.

The adrenal cortex releases cortisol, while the adrenal medulla releases adrenaline and noradrenaline.

It is primarily adrenaline, cortisol, and noradrenaline that then trigger the fight-flight-or-freeze response.

Fight or Flight or Freeze

In everyday language, we primarily talk about “flight or fight.” Freezing or playing dead is also a stress reaction. Unfortunately, we can read about this in cases of rape.

According to Robert Sapolsky, there is another “F” in the model. Especially in apes, Sapolsky and other researchers have identified sex (Fuck) as part of the stress response.

Physiologically, we can see stress as the heart pumps more blood, particularly to the arms, legs, and brain; digestion is inhibited; the bladder and intestines can empty, and mood changes based on the vulnerability model.

The fight-or-flight model has been criticized for its focus on male individuals.

Another model, mainly studied in lactating mothers, shows a “tend and befriend” or “nurture and befriend response.”

The nurturing response is evident when researchers study apes. Lactating mothers seek shelter with each other and strengthen social bonds, for example, through grooming.

Meanwhile, the aggressive male may display sexual behavior, primarily towards the female members of the group.

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The Stress-Vulnerability Model

The model that describes how we react and the consequences of stress is based on the Stress-Vulnerability Model.

The stress model assumes that individuals have a set of genes that, for example, control the hormone production of a stressor and thus determine how stressed the individual becomes.

The environment during and after pregnancy, such as nutrition, psychosocial factors, or medication, also influences how an individual is affected by a stressor and with what intensity.

This is where epigenetics comes into play. In simple terms, epigenetics is how DNA is read or, if you will, how the epigenome is reprogrammed by events before or during pregnancy.

Studies on mice show that if offspring does not receive psychological and physical closeness from the mother, they have increased vulnerability and a lower stress threshold. Epigenetic changes primarily affect the phenotype of the individual offspring.

During the formation of germ cells, the epigenetic changes are erased. However, transgenerational epigenetic inheritance occurs. This means that the offspring’s children experience the same phenotypic changes that occurred in the parent. A lower stress threshold is created for subsequent generations!

The Stress-Vulnerability Model explains both the reaction, the occurrence of the reaction, and the way the reaction manifests, such as whether stress manifests as depression or cardiovascular disease.

Stress symptoms

According to Vårdguiden (Swedish healthcare guide), the following are signs of dangerous stress or burnout syndrome:

  • Feeling tired in the morning, even after having slept for a long, uninterrupted period for several nights in a row.
  • Having difficulty falling asleep at night and possibly waking up early in the morning without being able to fall back asleep.
  • Struggling to relax and unwind.
  • Feeling indifferent to what is happening around you, feeling down and anxious.
  • Having difficulty concentrating.
  • Experiencing memory problems.
  • Feeling anxious.
  • Easily getting caught in negative thoughts.
  • Becoming easily irritated and impatient over trivial matters.
  • Experiencing stomachaches, tension headaches, or palpitations.
  • Feeling stiff, tense, and experiencing body pain.
  • Feeling resigned, tired, and avoiding social interactions.
  • Losing interest in sex.
  • Getting infections more easily and frequently.
  • Finding it harder to breathe properly.
  • Perceiving that time is insufficient and consequently increasing the pace even more.
  • Choosing to forgo rest, leisure activities, entertainment, and contact with relatives and friends due to lack of time.
  • Needing alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, or sleeping pills to cope with daily life or resorting to fat, sugar, alcohol, or nicotine as a comfort.

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Din stressnivå

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