Mindtemps medarbetarundersökning


The Psychology beside Mindtemp's Digital solution

Watch the video to have a clearer insight into the problem of workplace unhealthiness

The efficient organization

How do we create effective organizations? It was a question that already F.W. Taylor researched at the beginning of the 20th century. Taylor’s book, The Principles of Scientific Management is voted as the most important management book of the 20th century based on Taylor’s scientific perspective.

Since then we have had a variety of theories, more or less scientific. Where most, or all, have started from organizational models where the individual is part of a group.

We should also not forget A. Maslow who actually highlighted the needs of the individual, and was perhaps the first to use the concept of psychological security. We’ll get to that later.

Sverker, founder of Mindtemp, was involved in the 80s and practiced process modeling, one of the fundamental methods for creating efficiency. But even the process models did not treat the employees as individuals, there were different roles with different functions.

Today we know better. We are different as individuals. Recent years of research show that it is when we integrate different perspectives, i.e. the culture, experience and knowledge of different individuals that we can really create effective organizations.

But there is still one thing missing. Mindtemp argues that the health and well-being of individuals is still not a priority. Thus, the health and well-being of the individual is not followed and improved in a structured and scientific way.

Mindtemp is based on the individual’s health and well-being. The individual, or employee, who feels good and can perform at his peak, is a prerequisite for creating efficient and sustainable organizations. Organizations that feel good, and where everyone contributes with their unique skills and experience, also create creativity, development, efficiency and competitiveness. Which provides customer loyalty and EBIT results.

Mindtemp and effective organizations

As previously mentioned, Maslow was the first to write about psychological safety.

Today we know that psychological safety is one of the most important factors in creating effective teams. It is based on the fact that all different individuals with their respective competencies can and are involved and contribute to creating improvements and efficiency in the organization.

Psychological security Mindtemp misses it, and later studies show – that psychological security is based on employees feeling good!*

An employee who isn’t feeling well, is stressed, and sleeps poorly has reduced their productivity by 20-60%. This is a wide range, but it simply depends on the fact that we are individuals and react differently to ill-health.

Studies from institutions like the Karolinska Institute show a 38% productivity loss in high-stress situations! International studies arrive at similar results.

One night of poor sleep is enough to create irritation and lower efficiency in a group. As business leaders, we cannot create effective organizations with psychological security if our employees are not well!

Google's Aristotle Project

Google is an exciting organization. You’ve probably heard that employees have the opportunity to spend 20% of their time on projects they consider important, preferably with a connection to doing good.

Here, for example, we have their meditation practice, which is the result of an individual’s interest in fostering increased creativity and well-being.

Another project is Aristotle. Googlers wanted to understand why some teams were effective, and why other teams failed to perform.

It all came down to the fact that the productive teams had better collaboration! Collaboration based on everyone participating in the discussions.

Amy Edmondson had researched that, and it’s called psychological safety.

Mindtemp measures and analyzes psychological security. For you as a customer, this means that you see the current situation, but more importantly, what can be improved.

Is everyone well and CAN participate? Or there are individuals who are not feeling well, have not slept, may be under too much stress to be functional, or do not feel that his or her colleagues are supportive.

You see all this in simple visualizations based on Mindtemp’s advanced analysis.

The hidden stress

3 out of 10 are dangerously stressed

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How does Mindtemp create psychological safety and effective teams?

Personal development

Google is an exciting organization. You’ve probably heard that employees have the opportunity to spend 20% of their time on projects they consider important, preferably with a connection to doing good.

For instance, their meditation practice is the result of an individual’s 20% project. This, along with other initiatives, fosters increased self-leadership, which, combined with factors like psychological safety, creates effective teams.

Mindtemp utilizes the research behind self-leadership to promote better and sustainable health, as well as improved dialogue and collaboration. These are two sides of the same coin. One of the most significant factors causing stress and ill-health in the workplace is colleagues not cooperating or, worse, instances of bullying or psychological insecurity.

12 categories that contribute to sustainable and profitable organizations

Are there other ways to create sustainable health and efficiency?

Many of us, perhaps most, try to accomplish as much as possible during the day. It can become counterproductive; the more we try to cram in, the more we stress, and the more we create inefficiency and, ultimately, stress-related health issues.

One of the best ways to create efficiency and accomplish what we want in our daily lives is through good routines that lead to good habits. 

When we read about effective individuals, ranging from Barack Obama and Warren Buffet to  entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, we find that they employ effective habits, simplifying their daily lives.

Habits have even become a subject of study at Stanford, one of the world’s leading universities. BJ Fogg teaches there on how to create effective habits.

Based on BJ Fogg’s and other habit research, we have incorporated a feature into the Mindtemp app to help you and your colleagues establish good and effective habits.

This will assist you in accomplishing more while experiencing less stress.

Is it time to foster better health and efficiency in your organization? Email hello@mindtemp.com to book a demo We can also calculate and provide an ROI estimate for what reducing stress in your organization could mean.

Mindtemp's impact in practice

Book a 30 minutes free consultation about stress, self-leadership, psychological security and effective teams with Sverker Månsson, founder and CEO.​